Breakfast burritos!

8.02 Breakfast burrito

“I don’t want to have breakfast for dinner.”

-said by nobody, ever.

We’ve got a bit of a tradition of having breakfast for dinner on Thursday nights. Usually, it’s waffles, pancakes, and a frittata or omelet, but today, I hooked up one of my favorites: breakfast burritos!

Here are my ingredients, from the bottom to the top:

  1. Grilled paidina wrap (gimme a break; good tortillas are scarce in Scotland)
  2. Scrambled eggs w/ cheddar cheese
  3. Black beans
  4. Roasted potatoes
  5. Bacon (plant-based for the wife and I, reg for the kids)
  6. Crispy kale
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Smashed avocado
  9. Hot sauce

Just like tacos, each ingredient is like its own side dish, so there is a lot of cooking involved throughout the day for all the component parts, but it was so worth it in the end.

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Can’t beat breakfast for dinner!

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